Saturday, June 30, 2012

Hairy Scary Day

The other day I came home from grocery shopping with Shelly. By the way, we totally scored! That is not the point though. I walked around the counter a couple of times in bare feet I might add before I noticed a dark spot on the kitchen floor. I thought it was a piece of brownie that Byron might have dropped earlier that morning. BUT it wasn't, it was a HUGE wolf spider. It was hairy and grey. Let me tell you right now, I do not, let me repeat, do not like any bugs of any sort. It was dying thank goodness because the Bug Guy came and sprayed my favorite bug killing poison. Now was the time I had to be brave and throw the spider away. I couldn't do it. I was terrified. I extra hate when Byron is gone because he is the designated bug killer. My body was shaking while I stood there for about 10 minutes contemplating how to get rid of it. I decided broom and dust pan. The moment I touched the spider with broom it started crawling away. That freaked me out even more seeing it's one and one half inch legs! My survival instinct kicked in and I beat it to death with the broom and swept it up. In the trash it went. That was enough for one day......only it wasn't. I was at Nic and Shelly's that night just chillin. It was getting pretty late so I headed home and I needed to call Byron. I was just about at my front door and Byron had just answered his phone when I saw a freaking snake! The snake was about a quarter of the way up my door! I went screaming profanities back to Shelly's. She woke up Nic and he went over with a shovel and flashlight and eventually he killed it! He said it was about three and half feet long. EWW! I hate snakes...and spiders! Could the night get any scarier?? We didn't want to chance it, and Nic and Shelly were nice enough to let me sleep at their house! Thank you!! That was my Hairy Scary Day. I hope it never happens again.

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