Monday, May 14, 2012

Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead

Everyone needs to watch the documentary Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. It's about a guy that travels and challenges people to do a juice cleanse. It's neat to see the complete body change. It is just really really good. I had watched it a while ago and decided that I was going to do it! Krystin Wahl and I are juicing partners this week! I am really excited to be doing this and to have someone to do it with. We just started today and the rolls on the counter are calling my name. AHH! I WILL be strong. I want to do this. I have a really hard time with self control  when it comes to eating. I love to eat. So this is a major test. But this cleanse will be good for my definitely needs a cleanse. I weighed myself today. We will see the results in a couple of days!


  1. Be strong! Dave lost 10 lbs on his 5 day juice cleanse!

  2. I wish I was a guy and could lose ten pounds in pretty much a day!!! Fat loves girls and I love fat!
